Your lawn in Kansas can develop a bad case of soil compaction on a yearly basis after the summertime. Due to increased foot traffic and various other reasons, the soil in your lawn can get pressed together and compacted, reducing the number of nutrients and resources that can reach the roots of your turf. This can be detrimental to your lawn, so it's important you find the time to schedule your yearly aeration service. Core aeration is a lawn care service that is performed in the fall. During the service, professionals use machinery to pull out small plugs of soil to allow nutrients and resources to reach the roots of your turf. You should schedule this service every year to relieve soil compaction. If you skip this service, your lawn can become weak due to it not being able to absorb the nutrients that it needs, and can be susceptible to lawn diseases and insect infestations. Continue reading to learn more about why you should schedule an aeration service every year.

What is core aeration?

Aerator machine in a lawn in Olathe, KS.

Core aeration is the process through which professionals pull out "cores" of soil from your turf to break up compacted soil in your lawn. In order to perform the service, professionals will utilize an aerator, a mechanical tool used to aerate, to pull out small 3-to 4-inch plugs of soil. The plugs of soil are nutrient-filled, so once the service ends, the professionals leave behind the cores so that the nutrients can break down into your lawn, nourishing it.

The benefit of scheduling a core aeration service is that you break up compacted soil and allow nutrients to better reach the roots in your lawn. Aeration also helps your grass build stronger and deeper roots by providing it with better access to essential nutrients, enhancing your turf's beauty and strength.

Core aeration should be performed annually in the fall.

Core aeration should be performed annually in the fall for multiple reasons. For one, in the summer, increased foot traffic and other things can cause your soil to become compacted, limiting how many nutrients reach the roots of your grass. By scheduling an aeration service in the fall, you can help address the soil compaction in your lawn to allow your grass to "breathe" better. Additionally, a core aeration service in the fall can prepare your lawn to withstand cold temperatures in the winter. The service can strengthen the roots in your lawn, fortifying it against harsh weather elements and more.

Core aeration is typically offered before October 15th because the probability of frost increases after this date in Kansas.

Skipping a core aeration service can weaken your lawn.

Dying lawn due to lack of adequate lawn services in De Soto, KS.

Skipping a core aeration service can lead to several adverse consequences. After the summer, your lawn may need an aeration service to break up compacted soil. However, if the service isn't performed, your soil may become or stay compacted, limiting the number of resources and nutrients that reach the roots of your grass. The roots of your turf are the artery that connects your grass to vital nutrients and resources, but if these roots don't have access to integral nutrients, they can struggle to grow and can become weak. This can make your lawn susceptible to lawn diseases and insect infestations.

Call us today to schedule our core aeration service!

Every fall, you should schedule a core aeration service to help break up compacted soil in your lawn. Call us today at (913) 209-3320 to schedule our core aeration service to get your yearly dose of aeration in. At Green Again Lawn, our highly experienced professionals use a commercial-grade aerator to pass over your lawn twice, ensuring we cover the whole of your lawn when pulling out the small cores of soil. We provide our service to commercial, residential, and HOA properties in Shawnee, Overland Park, Lenexa, and nearby areas in Kansas.